Welcome to the WITEC European Database of Women Experts in Science, Engineering and Technology (SET)
If you are looking for an expert in science, engineering or technology then you should consult this database which contains biographical data about women experts from industry and academia in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK.
The main aim of the database is to raise the profile of women experts in SET and to increase the number of women in decision making positions at national and European level. The database has been developed as a tool to assist with the mainstreaming of equal opportunities across Europe and is supported by the Fourth Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, DGV, European Commission and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
To find the expertise you require, you should refer to the user guidelines which detail the search and retrieval facilities of the database. If you would like to assist WITEC with the evaluation of the database then please complete the database feedback form which will help us to improve its design and content. If you would like to nominate an expert for inclusion in the database then please complete the nomination form. Finally, if you are an expert who would like to apply for inclusion in the database then please complete the application form.
The database was launched on the World Wide Web in July 1997 and WITEC now plans to develop it to include the remaining 8 Member States and Norway. Watch this space for further updates.